Thursday, October 17, 2013

Quilt Fabric: Organization by Color & Collecting

Collections.  Collections of collections.

I think most people probably have them.  People collect all manner of things from PEZ dispencers to tea cups, from Bundt cake pans to scissors, and in some cases even cameras (ahem, DH) .  You can probably collect just about anything.

If you're like me, collecting either virtually or actually is as satisfying as seeing all your shoes lined up under the bed.
Above is a photo of my Oakshott Cotton 5" squares before they became hexagons.  It's a collection for sure and I will confess to having really enjoyed organizing it. 

Our son was home sick recently so I gave him my button collection and told him to arrange it for fun.  He got really into it and the photo below is what he created.
Do you collect something?  I'd love to hear what it is.

Do you actively avoid collecting?  I'd love to hear how and why.

Some beautiful things I bumped into lately:

A video of somebody making a hand bound book - lovely

A video of sea life made out of jewels - sparkles, cool

A recipe for Chinese style Tomato Eggs - yum


  1. Playing in my mum's button tin was a fun thing to do when I was a kid. We talked about the buttons' origins - whose clothes and uniforms they came from.

  2. I love collecting! I think my biggest collection is buttons but all the others are big too; seashells,postcards,old thread spools, sockdarners, marbles,old wood boxes,books, pitchers,corks, and fabric of course.
