Friday, October 11, 2013

Sewing Garments - Not

Am I interested in making more cotton jersey garments?  Yes.

Do I plan to sew them in an elegant non-messy fashion?  Yes.

Am I beneath trying to fix a hole in my son's jersey PJ's if he begs me to?  No.

Did I fix said hole while he was still wearing said PJ's?  Maybe.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

He's only 5 and really wasn't in the mood to take them off.

Wow, my stitches are messy!

Disclaimer:  No children were harmed in the fixing of these PJ's.  


  1. Can't figure out how how made a hole that big without doing serious damage to himself.

  2. To me that looks good; reminds me of the Quilts of Gee's Bend, beautiful quilts sewn every which way with the only thought being to make something to keep someone warm.
