Tuesday, October 15, 2013

English Paper Piecing On the Go & PIQF 2013

Before we get into the sewing, let me remind you that PIQF, HUGE quilt show in San Jose California, is taking place starting on Thursday and running through this weekend.  If you are near, it is certainly worth a visit as the quilts are many in number and each has its own beauty.

If you are not close by, don't worry, I'll take a lot of photos for you!

Now on to the stitches....

Basting the small fabric pieces to paper templates may be seen as a chore to some people but I find it relaxing and enjoyable.

Once all the pieces were sewn with giant stitches to the hex papers I fussed a little bit with color placement and starting creating stacks of rows to be sewn together.

A few post it notes stuck on the top of a row and a zip lock bag holding about 3 rows in one place was my solution to packing this project on the go.

I have worked on it on the soccer field and in the car.  Progress is slow since I'm a bit short on time these days, but progress is progress and it's looking pretty cool.

All the fabrics are Oakshott cottons and a real joy to work with.

1 comment:

  1. Love your shot cottons and your color choices. I, too, enjoy EPPing and find it very relaxing.
