Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holiday Wishes

The Christmas season is usually a busy one for us, and this year has been no exception. 

Most of the rest of the year is spent running around for other reasons, but these days we have been working on getting gifts wrapped, food cooked, and doing deeds that lead to making people smile.  It's a good cause and one that puts me in a good mood.  Even with all the is hands down my favorite time.

The kids enjoyed their gifts and are still playing with them even days later, which is a good sign.  The books were a big hit this year with our older one who has grown into being quite the bookworm.

Speaking of bookworms, I was excited to get a new cookbook called The Daily Soup.  It came recommended on this podcast I like, called Knit Knit Cafe, from podcaster Abby - super awesome to listen to, BTW.  I'm really looking forward to playing around with the new recipes.  I'll be reporting back on all the best ones. 

As for the creative work, I'm sewing away on my skirt still but it is progressing inch by inch.  I'm not sure how else these sorts of extremely detailed projects progress.  Don't they say that all journeys begin with a single step or something like that?  Is that supposed to make you feel like it's OK that it's taking F O R E V E R ?  Well...I'm patient, but still...progress is shall we say, on the slow side.

So are you picking a theme for 2014?  I'm thinking about it.  I usually try to...gosh, not a lot of time left to do that.  Ok, will hunker down and decide soon. 

Maybe it will have something to do with Instant gratification, since my little sister recently got me playing around with Instagram.  It's fun and low hanging fruit to share some quick images.

Hope that all of you had an awesome holiday and that the coming year will be even more creative than 2013 was for you.

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