Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Holiday Skirt that Wasn't & The Great Search for the Perfect 2014 Calendar

Before I turned my eye to the final push of Christmas cards and gift wrapping, I had lofty ideas of finishing my Alabama Chanin DYI kit skirt before the holiday party.'s looking like I may wear it next year instead.  Maybe I'll have to host a summer BBQ or something when it is finally done. 

It's not that sewing it is a chore or anything, it is just slow going because I think the pattern I picked out, called Facets, has mostly very small pieces with only a handful of larger cut outs.  I'm enjoying it and plugging along at it, and will probably not drink red wine while wearing it if you know what I mean.  I am also really glad that I decided NOT to put beads on this project.  That might have killed my chances of ever finishing it.

In past years I have had more cycles for play time.  I used them to create a custom Quilt Otaku Calendar.  It was really a labor of love and took me several hours to create.  This year, I'm behind the 8-ball so to speak and looking to order a calendar made by some other creative genius.

Design Milk hosted a modern calendar round up which I really liked.  The Risograph calendar by Jp King from Paper Pusher is a leading contender for me, but I haven't bought it yet.  I'm open to other ideas if people have them.  What calendar are you using in 2014?

Is it too much to also get the daily Polaroid calendar?  A new Polaroid photo each's called the Poladarium 2014.  They even have a call for entries into the 2015 version.  Hm...I wonder if any of my favorite images will make the cut for that.  Cross your fingers.

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