Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Quilts Japan and Patchwork Quilt Tsusin January 2014

I look forward to seeing the first issue of the year come out from both Quilts Japan and Patchwork Tsushin because they have the calendars in them.

Some years I pick up a second copy for my mom because the calendar is so knock your socks off incredible.

Other years I cry over quilts that just don't speak to me or photography that could have used some help.

This year both calendars are a bit on the so-so side.  You can judge for yourself, but I'm not sure I'm over the moon about either of them.

The issues themselves are a different story.

Quilts Japan #156 is an incredible issue.  It's full of the bright primary colored floral prints that I love and have collected for a while.  The quilts are bold and beautiful.  This is one of my most favorite issues.

Patchwork Tsushin #177 was lukewarm for me.  It has a lot of holiday projects as well as some whimsical designs with pom poms and ric rack.  Not my personal favorite, but somebody with a sweeter cuter aesthetic might really love it.

Either way, it's nice to kick the year off with some Japanese eye candy, that's for sure.

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