Friday, January 10, 2014

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

As a quilter or a knitter do you find that time passes too quickly?

I constantly feel like I could use that 8th day of the week, or that 25th hour where nobody bothers me and I can do some creating.

Because it feels like time flies and also because I am having so much fun these days, I decided to start a One Line A Day Journal.

My rule is that I try to capture whatever happened that day that was good.  I don't write about the bad, annoying or sad things for the most part.  I often write about the boys because they have so many good things going on right now.  Much more so than the adults.  I do record when I finish a creative project though.

I started this last February.  It has a page dedicated to each day of the year.  In another month or so I'll have the treat of reading what happened to me last year on the same day of the year.  I'm looking forward to that. 

Perhaps I will bore my DH to tears.  Perhaps he will fall asleep faster?  Perhaps he should be thankful that I only have one historic year of information at this point! 

For less than $15, it's been a lot of fun for me.

I have even taken it on trips with me.  Once I was sick and asked my DH to write in it for me.

Is it too much if I make a beautiful taupe quilted cover for it?  Maybe with a little applique of our house on it? 


  1. Yep, go with the cover. That will be the frosting on the cake and make that little book feel so important.

  2. What a great idea. I paint a small water color a day in a journal when we go on a trip but that's only a few times a year. Hmm, might try this, thanks for posting about it.

  3. My Dear, I look forward to reviewing our past year's highlights with you on a nightly basis.

    And being the morning person that I am, I don't think I could fall asleep much faster at night than I already do!

  4. I have the exact journal and have just started year 4 in it. It is indeed interesting to read back "this day three years ago, two years ago, last year." I love your idea of a cover and look forward to seeing what you create!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have the same journal and have just started year 4. It's really interesting to look back on "this day three years ago, two years ago, last year" etc. Life's ups and downs! I love your idea of making a cover for it!
