Sunday, April 13, 2014

Argyle love

 I set out to knit a pair of argyle socks for my DH because after all he watched the boys while I took the class.

It turns out that these socks unfortunately fit our 8 yr old, and not my DH.  Oops.  Well, the boy is excited about them, even a little extra excited because he is getting them out from under the nose of his daddy.

I guess this means a second pair is in order.

The class I took was from Anne Berk, a wonderful teacher.  I would actually love to take another class with her.  She did a nice blog post about teaching our class where you can even see a photo of me and some girls from knit nite. 

I intend to buy her book when it becomes available.  It will probably be great.  Until then, I have about 3 more socks to make if not 5 if my younger boy chimes in.


  1. Wow! This looks so complicated. Love your color choice. Glad your son can appreciate them fully.

  2. The 2nd pair is most definitely in order... chop chop! :)

  3. I can't get over how quickly you knit those! I've been watching them unfold on Instagram.

  4. Marisa, that sock is so lovely! You make me happy and proud. I love argyles, and thanks for helping to keep the technique alive for the next generation.

  5. Marisa, that sock is absolutely lovely! You make me happy and proud. Thanks for keeping the argyle tradition fresh for the next generation.

  6. Marisa, that sock is absolutely lovely! You make me happy and proud. Thanks for keeping the argyle tradition fresh for the next generation.

  7. Marisa, that sock is absolutely lovely! You make me happy and proud. Thanks for keeping the argyle tradition fresh for the next generation.

  8. Marisa, that sock is absolutely lovely! You make me happy and proud. Thanks for keeping the argyle tradition fresh for the next generation.
