Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bloom Where You Are Planted

It's been busy for me lately for many reasons, some good and some less than fun.

My blog is of course my happy place so I'm taking a breath to think over what we have had to celebrate lately, and in truth it's a lot.

Counting my blessings in several places:

In the Garden:

- Veggies from the back yard are honestly my favorite foods.  They are so fresh that they still flap around on your plate.  We went to our usual nursery to get baby plants (no time for seeds this year, boo).  In Cupertino you can enjoy just walking around Yamagami Nursery or you can fill an entire cart full of plants, dirt, and colorful ceramic pots like I did.  Stay tuned for garden progress.  These plants look tiny now, but believe me, it will be a jungle in another couple months.

- Sculptural plants from Flora Grubb are often best in containers because they don't need a lot of water and like good drainage.  I planted one in a pot that I personally threw when I was in that ceramics class way back when.  Even in the odd ugly little pot I made it looks quite good if I may say so myself.

On the table:

 - Better weather is here finally triggering more BBQ meals.  My DH is the grill master and it makes for a lot less kitchen duties for me.  Woo Hoo, if that's not a blessing I don't know what is.

- Gold Forks - yes it is odd to use silverware that is gold in color, and quite unpopular these days probably but we're doing it.  I got an incredible set (using the term 'set' loosely) off ebay for around $40.  They look great, work well, and it's a fun switch up from the normal set.  Cheap thrills, bring em on.

On the needles:
 -  I finished knitting something recently, but will have to photograph it for you.  It's pretty cool.  More on that soon!


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