Sunday, August 10, 2014

Viewmaster - the good old fashioned toy

I realized how behind I am on mounting recent viewmaster film we have shot into paper mounts for the kids to use in their viewmasters

Let this blog post serve as a piece of string around my finger reminding me to take care of that in my ample spare time.

Above is a photo of my DH and my dad each playing with their 3D film cameras.  Does 3D + 3D = 6D somehow?  Perhaps not.

I really love this silly photo for some reason.

In other news I broke out the sewing machine this weekend and that was productive and fun.  I sewed up a simple table runner.  More on that soon.

I also am on to the 2nd sock of a pair I'm making for my mom who really appreciates what I make.  I get a kick out of making things for people who really love them.  Coincidence that she gets more stuff that other people?  Not hardly.


  1. Love the View-Master! That is so cool that you make reels yourself with the slides. We do it via internet and lots of fancy processes, so it is always fun to see it the old-fashioned way!
