Monday, December 1, 2014

The French General: EPP Hexagons, Rue Indienne, and Quilt Shopping in LA

If you like to sew and you are in the general (pun intended) neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, please consider a stop in at The French General as part of your to-do list.

After visiting there myself, I can hardly get the images of their delicious fabrics, colors, textures (think linen!) out of my mind.

I picked up some vintage linen at the shop and also some of the fabrics that they carry as part of the line that Moda produced for them.

Colors are muted, dare I say taupe-ish.  Or perhaps Taupalicious.  I'm inventing words here that blogger spell check will not approve of.  

They have beads and trims as well as fabrics.

When I was at PIQF I picked up a pack of Rue Indienne small fabric squares and 1" hexagon pieces from Paper Pieces as well as some glue to glue base to the paper.

I know, I's GLUE.  But it's washable and this is a small quilted piece, not a Baltimore Album so I'm taking a leap and trying the glue stick from Sewline.

Not sure how fast I'll be at putting this together, but not in much of a rush either.

P.S.  Have missed blogging but have been keeping busy with creative work...lots of catch up to do here.

Happy December!  That crept up a bit fast on me.

1 comment:

  1. French General shows my country as an ideal world! I really love all their fabrics, most of them are copies from forgotten patterns that no longer exist here out of museums.
    And you are right, their tones are... taupalicious!
    Your hexa-quilts will be gorgeous!
