Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Packing up the Christmas Goodies - Happy 2015 to you

Our Christmas came in like a lamb and went out like a Lion this year with not a lot of rest leading up to the end of the break.

It's somehow good to get back to the routine though.

I had lofty goals of visiting both Super Buzzy and The French General while in LA over the holiday but ended up visiting neither due to general business and short holiday hours.  Sure that I'll be back again someday.

We ended up at the Getty Center which was amazing and as beautiful as ever.  My 6 yr old was looking at Van Gogh's Iris painting and asking me how soon we could go out and run around in the garden. know.

Above is a photo of the Christmas ornaments my friend Carol made this year.  She makes them pretty much every year and they take some time to make.  I know it's time to put the holiday décor away, but I wanted to sneak this photo under the wire so you wouldn't miss it. 

Hope you are having a happy new year!

1 comment:

  1. These ornaments are beautiful! Thanks for showing them. Happy new year!
