Having walked right past a table full of it last year when I was in the Yuzawaya in Tokyo, I am a bit dissapointed in myself for not scooping up a piece or two.
I thought, hm... that's interesting...what would I ever do with it? So now I know what I want to do with it, and I have a little quilt in mind, but cannot figure out how to get these shipped to the states. I emailed the Kinkame company, but no reply. (Was using English a bad idea?)
Any kind advice for me, brainiacs?? Help out a fellow fabric addict!
For those of you who live in the promise land of amazing fabrics (AKA Japan), and You know who You are...I hope you have a big stash of these and use them all the time.
Photo above of the Noro yarn that I'm going to try to make into a hat. Oh how my knitting skills are lacking!
I love Noro, but really what knitter doesn't. What pattern are you going to use to knit your hat? Or are you going to make up your own? Can't wait to see it!
Mmmm... I think they have that fabric at my local fabric shop (5 minutes walk down the road), if not, I'm off to Tokyo, fabric shopping at the end of August and probably a few more places between then. If you want, let me know which colours and how much you'd like and I can see if I can pick some up for you :)
Oh, and believe me, I know what you mean about needing more fabric, my place is overflowing and I still need more :)
hi marisa, here from spain i like your blog.
and all the fabrics you show, here is more dificult to find this kind of.
I love that first line! I have so much fabric too, that I really don't need any more, but sometimes it is just so hard to resist isn't it :) I hope you are able to find that fabric!
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