My in-laws are visiting this weekend, so having a never-ending source of entertainment for our 3 yr old is probably the only reason I got anything done on it at all.
I was also supposed to teach my friend Katie how to crochet, but I think I was so bad as an instructor (even with book in hand!!) that she's going to revert to knitting. Yikes, that is so very pathetic. I really should stay away from yarn.
We did discover that the local knit shop now offers some beads in their back room, so that's sweet. I will return there to pick up a few things for attaching my world's tiniest pin cushions to the ribbons for hanging off scissors.
Have you already (like the rest of the world, apparently) shredded your toll house cookie recipe for this 'new and improved' BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe? I'm actually getting tempted to try it. Is this for real or just another internet myth?
What do you do after you soak off the paper? I want to do that Kaffe Fassett paper pieced squares quilt & I have printed the patterns onto the wash away paper - I am just frozen after that point...
Do you press it until it is dry? Do you pray to find a flat surface on which you can leave it until it air drys?
Something else?
BTW My baby quilt is a Heather Ross 9-patch quilt. :o)
BTW I was so lucky to get a Pinwheels charm pack at the quilt show! :o)
that quilt is so pretty! your piecing looks so exact.
Your quilt is beautiful!
I made those cookies about a week ago (the recipe was in our local Minnesota newspaper) and they were absolutely fabulous. After chilling the dough for 24 hours, I baked my first batch using a large scoop of dough that made about 6-inch cookies. The next day, I just made regular size cookies. We preferred the larger ones...stayed crisp around the edges and soft in the middle, while the smaller ones were just crisp all the way through. I used Ghirardelli 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips from Sam's Club. I don't think I'll ever use my 30-year old favorite recipe, which I thought was really great, again.
I'm sure snopes.com will tell you if it is a myth, but if it's good, it's good so who cares what the story is?! Love the quilt. Such precision and pretty colors, too!
Try having your friend just watch you crochet for awhile. I watched a woman crochet in the doctor's office for about 1/2 hour one day - after having tried it over and over again. Something just clicked. Went home and started crocheting.
Your quilt is coming along marvelously. You are doing a beautiful job and your choice of colors and design are pure artisty!
Hey Marisa, your baby boy quilt is looking gorgeous!
I am SO tempted to try the chocolate chip cookie recipe... maybe this weekend!
Oh, and the orange fabric I got is on sale at Sew Mama Sew... good luck!
The colours you have used in this quilt are gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
your quilt is so lovely! i haven't sewn in so many weeks, but really need to get back to it. thank you for visiting our blog!
That is a lovely pattern! I like the colours you've chosen as well.
gorgeous color combinations!
HAHAHA I was actually practicing crocheting the other day! I'm still trying!
Sorry I'm so late on commenting on this.. Hahahahaha, havent been keeping up with my blogs. =X
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