Monday, June 4, 2007


These are the fronts of those little sashet packs I made...I'm thinking I may need to make a billion more of them for people because I really just cannot get enough of them.

This is my catch up post because I got a couple questions and wanted to respond -

For the sashets - I filled them w/ lavender that I got in a local craft shop, nothing fancy really.

As for planning a shopping trip to Japan - find my older posts on that topic here, and I'll have to make a few more comments on that topic in a coming soon post.

And the last round of doll quilt swap - I gave this, more info, and I received this beautiful quilt.

1 comment:

  1. Your sachets are so cute! I don't think you can ever make enough... I'm going to Japan this summer, and I'm planning on filling suitcases with fabrics. I'm so excited!
