Grandparents are known for their willingness to feed babies their bananas and toast in the morning while parents are catching extra Zzzz's. If that isn't a win-win situation, I don't know what is.
Not sure if it's my imagination, or what, but I think PurlSoho posted some new fabrics by Etsuko Furuya recently. Or maybe I just like them more this time, but I'm thinking a few small pieces may have to be ordered....
Thanks for the post, Amy, talking about my humble blog....Calico Cat is one of the coolest quilting blogs around with billions of photos for your quilty inspiration. If you haven't checked it out, please do. She's a doll quilt swapper too...so of course this blog rocks!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...if you hadn't, I wouldn't have ever found yours, and OMG I am loving it! Your quilts are beautiful, and I think I drooled a little bit over that picture of the wall of fabric in the Japanese quilt shop! I also have never heard of Calico Cat, so I'm going to check her out now...
Looks like the Doll Quilt Swap is well under way. If I could get off this computer I'd do some work on mine!
Marisa, I hope you are still sleeping in. I came over from Amy's blog, and you are right, she has all sorts of quilty goodies. Off to explore your blog. I didn't join the doll quilt swap, but I am thinking I should make one for myself so I don't feel left out!
Your doll quilt looks like it's coming along fabulously... hope you enjoyed the extra sleep!
I am loving your doll quilt-in-progress. Every time I visit your blog, I hope hope hope that I'm the swap recipient! I know that whomever receives the quilt is going to be blown away. Fabulous!!!
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