If you're not and you're reading this to gain a bit of education, or your just my dad or something...here's the deal.
The Dear Jane quilt was made in 1863 by Jane A. Stickle. Brenda Papadakis published a book about this quilt, and includes some really great patterns of the blocks that billions and zillions of quilters reproduce in either full sized quilts or smaller versions - we call these "baby Jane's".
Brenda Papadakis then published her own book which she calls Dear Hannah. This has a ton more applique, although also has pieced blocks too...but is in the style of Dear Jane but with her personal twist.
I love both these books, hence I'm using them together to make 1 quilt by pulling all my favorite blocks from both.
Anyhow, I mentioned that I started uploading photos of my Dear Jane blocks to the flickr group, but felt like my Dear Hannah blocks, like that above, were getting slighted since there was no where for them to be displayed to the greater universe in all their glory.
Hence, the creation of a Dear Hannah Flickr group!! So, if you're out there...making these blocks...give me a shout, and I'll invite you to join my so far only group of 1 very enthusiastic quilter. C'est moi.
I look forward to seeing your Hannah squares. I realy do love all your creative endeavors. Thanks for the back story.
That block is so pretty. I love the fabrics you chose.
That was really neat information. I feel more knowledgeable about the quilt world. Thanks!
Thanks for the explanation:)
That block is quite lovely!
This is a very nice block. Love the bird.
You do lovely work. I kind of favor the Dear Hannah quilt.
I am having some troubles with the measures of the blocks...who can help me?? I'm just starting with Dear Hannah!!!
greethings Bettina
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