One of my favorite TV shows is called Good Eats. This pepper plant definitely falls into a category of it's own - Odd Eats!
My gardner friend gave me these plants she grew from seed, and asked me how the peppers were looking. I said that they did look a bit strange, as they were pointing directly up, instead of down, as most pepper plants do.
I have two of these darn things, and both of them have their fruits directly pointing at the sky. Is this rude? Is this normal? Should I eat them eventually? Even the garden guru said it was very strange and unusual. I'll probably eat them anyhow unless you can come up with a reason not to!
In other news, (this is huge, I'm superexcited) I put in my application to take a series of quilt appraisal classes from AQS in January at the Road 2 California quilt show.
Not sure if they will accept me yet or if the class is full, but keep a happy thought for me getting in!
My gardner friend gave me these plants she grew from seed, and asked me how the peppers were looking. I said that they did look a bit strange, as they were pointing directly up, instead of down, as most pepper plants do.
I have two of these darn things, and both of them have their fruits directly pointing at the sky. Is this rude? Is this normal? Should I eat them eventually? Even the garden guru said it was very strange and unusual. I'll probably eat them anyhow unless you can come up with a reason not to!
In other news, (this is huge, I'm superexcited) I put in my application to take a series of quilt appraisal classes from AQS in January at the Road 2 California quilt show.
Not sure if they will accept me yet or if the class is full, but keep a happy thought for me getting in!
fingers crossed re the AQS course. I've never taken one of their's, but understand they are generally very well taught and organized...
I had to laugh out loud at your question, "Is it rude?" That's so funny!
I grew up in Louisiana about 30 miles from the McIlhenny plantation, where Tabasco comes from. It's in the middle of a cool wildlife preserve with neat gardens and alligators. They have tours, and their pepper plants have peppers that grew straight up, too. So eating them should be fine, if a little hot!
Signed, The Asian Cajun
I have two of those pepper plants in my garden this year. My neighbor shared her extras and I was expecting a bell pepper plant. I'm not sure when I should pick them.
I think the pepper plant is a banana pepper. They can be mild to hot depending on the variety.
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