Our son is of course on this list to get one, as well as 3 adorable cutie pie kids that live very close to us. I want to expand the list, but we'll see how many I can turn out.
This is one of the ornaments I made last year.
I'm getting out my Jinny Beyer book on how to make these this weekend, and thinking about fabric choices for 2007.
For some reason I LOVE 1930's fabrics on Christmas projects. Maybe because that is the era that our house was built.
Do you have traditional things you make or do every year? We have a couple more, I'll have to save for a later post.
Oh, I got tagged too, so it will take me some thinking to find 7 facts about me...will chew on it a bit.
Cute ornaments! Are the pieces curved or just regular triangles before they're stitched?
I'm starting a new tradition this year--I bought a bunch of fat quarters in fabric that I like, and I'm going to hem them and/or stitch them together to make reusable gift wrap. I'll grab some cheap spools of satin ribbon and then I'll have instant gift wrap. (I got this idea from another blog I read.)
I love this because I enjoy buying fat quarters more than I enjoy buying wrapping paper. If I plan ahead better, I'll look for fabric off the bolt that's on sale next year, to make some bigger pieces.
Cute ornament... (pattern please?) I am working up a Christmas traditions post... one tradition we share as a family is assembling and decorating a gingerbread house... it's sticky, silly fun and leaves the house smelling spicy and good.
Thanks for the link to the book, I'm going to check it out! I've been trying to find some patterns for fabric balls and this looks perfect!
Oh, this ornament is very cute.
The ornament is gorgeous! You took a really cool pic of it also!
That ornament is so cute!
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