Every year that we have been together, he has given me a little token of affection at the stroke of midnight to ring in the new year.
My sister was wondering if he would still continue to do it after we got married...and of course he does. (best husband on earth)
Anyhow, this year, it was a beautiful necklace and matching earings from Amy Bengtson, one of my favorite jewelery artists.
I guess she was featured on this "daily candy" web site, since she has an icon on her site about it. Looks like this could be a cool site too.
Gosh I have more freckles then I though I did!
hey - that is a very sweet and romantic tradition - lucky you!
So sweet, your husband and the necklace :)
What a lovely tradition! Very pretty necklace:)
Wow, what a great habit to have in your hubby. Love the necklace!
This is very sweet! Lovely necklace!!
aww thats so cute! and that necklace is really really pretty marisa. =]
I don't know which I love more, that tradition or that necklace... Both are amazingly beautiful.
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