Not that I was wondering what the answer would be for me personally (duh - yes!) but I took the quiz anyhow, and it proclaimed me to be 77% addicted. Think you can beat that?
Finally our son is more healthy this weekend, so that is really all I could want for a peaceful weekend.
Above is a picture of the Lecien fabric I picked up from Mariko at Azabu-Ya when I visited her booth at Road to California quilt show. I have yet to wash and iron it, but we'll see if I get a second wind this afternoon.
I was at the doctor's office last week, and the nurse immediately recognized my necklace as being by Margaret Sullivan. She is this jewelery artist that makes the most adorable charms, and I have one with my son's name on it that I got from a little shop in Los Altos, CA.
It's the first time anybody has ever recognized it, I thought it was cool.
Hi there - I have found your blog from Amy at Calico Cat and I saw that you are a Yoko Saito fan. I have just ordered the book with 156 blocks and cannot wait for it to arrive. I would love to make a quilt using lots of taupes and soft colors. I will visit again.
ok...so i'm 48% addicted. :) just HAD to know that about myself.
thanks for the charm link...those are new to me
beautiful fabrics...I am too frightened to take that test...
I always really liked that necklace! =]
Yes I'm addicted. I say no no no to rehab.
I'm 72% addicted, more than I thought I would be!
I am 72% addicted to blogging :) Kind of a fun little test :)
I am 54% addicted. It was a fun test. And they also had other hilarious ones.
Yes i am:)
Lovely fabric from Lucien! what will you make of it???
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