How many olallieberries can 1 mommy, 1 daddy, 1 reluctant 2 yr old, 1 gramma, and 1 camera laden grandpa pick before getting tired and wanting to head off to the beach for a picnic?
Yesterday, it was around 4 lbs.
Olallieberries are a cross between a Loganberry (itself half blackberry and rasberry) and Youngberry (itself half blackberry and dewberry).
Their season lasts only an extremely short time, so running into them fresh for the picking was a very rare treat.
Today we made a pie and I guess I'll freeze the rest of them for later treats in pancakes, muffins, late night snacky treats....
Later this evening, under the cover of darkness, while my belly is full of pie...I may hunker down, and with the help of my fabric-addicted-amazing-quilt-making-mother, choose a few quarter yards of Liberty of London prints from International Fabric Collection for us to share.Yesterday, it was around 4 lbs.
Olallieberries are a cross between a Loganberry (itself half blackberry and rasberry) and Youngberry (itself half blackberry and dewberry).
Their season lasts only an extremely short time, so running into them fresh for the picking was a very rare treat.
Today we made a pie and I guess I'll freeze the rest of them for later treats in pancakes, muffins, late night snacky treats....
Int'l Fab doesn's seem to have this print, however, from Calico and Ivy in Australia. It's an amazing print that I would order in a hot second if I lived down under and shipping was a bit more affordable. Ah, and it's still $53US/yd ...I guess that's the price of beauty!
Oh, and if you have time, please visit Sarah's blog, My Spare Time, and check out the Liberty of London fabrics she just scored - nice choices!! Oh so pretty pretty. (The rest of her blog rocks too!)
I worked at Polly's Pies in CA for several years, and Olallieberry pie was always really popular. I knew the loganberry/youngberry mix description but that didn't usually mean much to most people!
So does that make the Olallieberry 1/2 blackberry, 1/4 raspberry, and 1/4 dewberry? I'm bad at fractions but it sounds delicious! There's something special about baking with something you picked yourself...
I have never heard of these before! They certainly look delicious!
I have given you an award on my blog, because you are such an inspiration to me!!! I hope that you will accept the honor and play along! It is an easy award to blog about!
Oh! Lally pies?! Sounds good:)
There's something very appropriate about the people picking these tasty little morsels. I just can't put my finger on it though...
oh well, it'll come to me eventually.
mmmm.... pie.
I just tried these in a berries jubilee type of them. I have to admit I got the dessert because of the name of the berries! They were delicious!
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