The delivery was quick although (direct quote from my sis) "not fun". Mom and baby are as healthy and happy as can be. Personally I think this little girl is the cutest I've ever seen on a 1" by 1" cel phone screen, and I cannot wait to hold her/meet her. We will travel to visit as soon as our little one is here and able.
Note to self: Better finish that baby girl's quilt!
Our baby has yet to arrive, but the above amazing cross stitch is a gift for him from a family friend who does such awesome detailed work that it is a great honor to hang it on our nursery walls.
Also, if you haven't yet read Jennifer's post at Moving Hands about her brush with fame - Read: Meeting Yoko Saito in person!! - do check it out. I so wish I was there in person, I would just do anything to meet her.
Are you wondering as to what the floating baby widgit will do after my due date comes and goes, and the baby is late? Will there be some giant red warning sign flashing "Danger! Could arrive at any moment!" or something? I for one am curious...guess I won't have to wonder much longer.
wow, cool! congrats to your sister! i've been hovering around the phone lately expecting to hear from jamie at any moment... come on, baby! we're all dying to meet you out here :D
What happy news. Congratulations to all.
I think the widgit baby should start holding up a finger for each day passed the due date, and God forbid he has to use toes too!!
yay! babies. You are going to love being an auntie. it is so much fun. can't wait to meet your little one when he arrives!
Good luck to you and congratulations on a sweet little neice.
Congrats to your sister! I hope your little one arrives soon too :) (And I think even if he has arrived already or does before the next 2 days, you need to leave that widget up for a couple more days just to see what it does :)
I see your widget did what mine did - started adding days! Hopefully your baby is here now! Our due dates were just one day apart and my baby is here now! :)
Good luck!!!
Congratulations on becoming an aunt to your sister's new baby! Aren't your little ones going to have fun together!? How wonderful for you to have children simultaneously!
I hope you are doing well!
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