Have any of you smarty pants quilters run into or used Oakshott Fabrics yet in your quilts?
Susan at Sashiko and Other Stitching Blog has used it in a block made from this cool book.
I bumped into it at PIQF at the Pinwheels booth and fell head over heels in love with it. They are solids, and stripe fabrics but have an almost indescribable 'glow' about them. Amazing...true beauty.
After I got it home and washed and ironed it, I just cannot stop running my fingers over it in admiration of it's sheer glimmer and unique glisten.
Unfortunately, Pinwheels only had it available for sale in small packs where the colors were put together for you in a grouping, and you know I really need to pick my own color sets for myself.
So...being the little googler (is that a word?) that I am...I clicked over to their web site on the above link, and found hoards and masses of amazing colors, patterns, and solids.
I emailed them to see what shipping a couple of meters would cost, and within less than 1 day, Michael Oakshott (owner?) emailed back that it would only be just over $12 US.
Perhaps think I can feel another small quilt project coming on soon....maybe with some of this sage color.
Susan at Sashiko and Other Stitching Blog has used it in a block made from this cool book.
I bumped into it at PIQF at the Pinwheels booth and fell head over heels in love with it. They are solids, and stripe fabrics but have an almost indescribable 'glow' about them. Amazing...true beauty.
After I got it home and washed and ironed it, I just cannot stop running my fingers over it in admiration of it's sheer glimmer and unique glisten.
Unfortunately, Pinwheels only had it available for sale in small packs where the colors were put together for you in a grouping, and you know I really need to pick my own color sets for myself.
So...being the little googler (is that a word?) that I am...I clicked over to their web site on the above link, and found hoards and masses of amazing colors, patterns, and solids.
I emailed them to see what shipping a couple of meters would cost, and within less than 1 day, Michael Oakshott (owner?) emailed back that it would only be just over $12 US.
Perhaps think I can feel another small quilt project coming on soon....maybe with some of this sage color.
One of the Pinwheels gals (not Maria) used it in a baby quitl with their huge thimble template.
My GF purchased a piece, I am not sure if she used it or not as of yet. (& I know better than to ask...)
I have 2 taupe quilts 100% finished. & Boy does it feel goo to be able to say that. :o)
I have not succumbed to oakshott - yet.
I have been in love with this stuff since first seeing it! I used to get it at Pinwheels but they let there stock dwindle so low. I love that you emailed them and shipping is reasonable for getting some of this...seem reasonable to me for coming such a long way!!
Now I am in trouble as I just love the colors...ALL of them!
I've been a big fan of Oakshott also. It really is awesome. I also will succumb to low shipping.
Itmost beautiful fabric - but it's not cheap. The texture is just so lovely. With the pund dropping in value I'm sure it'll work out a great price soon.
Cool. I can't wait to see what you do with it.
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