They have an awesome exhibit there right now called "American Quilts: Two Hundred Years of Tradition," and it runs through March 15, 2009. If you have the chance to see it, I would very highly recommend it.
As I walked through the exhibit, I did not look at any of the dates on the info signs next to the quilts. Instead, I tried to guess the year the quilt was made by using the knowledge I have gained during my quilt appraisal studies.
For most of the quilts, I was able to date them with 10 years of the date the museum had posted. A couple of them I was a bit off, but it was the solid fabrics that threw me. I'm still learning to identify the dyes used during various time periods.
The log cabin above was especially attractive. That setting is so pretty and the quilt was just striking in person.
Any of you care to guess what date it was made? I know it's tough with the picture being so dark. Hint - fabrics are all silks.
In other news, my sister just gave me this crazy pretty "binky bling" pacifier clip for the baby. It is made of Swarovski crystal and is the cutest baby gift I think I've ever seen. Perfect for the baby that has everything. I think I'll turn it into a scissor leash or something after he gives up the binky.
I'm guessing your quilt was made in the 1890's. Victorian era.
Yeah - I thought I would give it a go to guess too. And the 1890's came to my mind as well... Hope your son will give up the binky in a relatively short while:) How lucky you are to be able go to a quiltshow like that. Swoon...
Thinking of you during this time of gratitude and reflection... Happy Thanksgiving.
That exhibit looks amazing! And thanks for posting that quilt--striking indeed.
You got most of them to within 10 years - I'm impressed! I probably could have gotten within 100...
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