The baby was sick last week and has been out of school again this week with no-fun-at-all high fever.
Who knew you could get so many germs rolling through your house during summer. I thought this was illegal.
Anyhow, this is what I have learned lately:
- If you have 2 kids, they will ALWAYS poop at exactly the same time.
- If you have 2 kids, they will NEVER nap at the same time.
- If your 2 kids share a room and 1 of them wakes up screaming in the dead of night, the other one will ALWAYS wake up and climb into your bed.
- It is possible for a 3 yr old boy to bump his head on a door jam so hard that a golf ball sized lump forms, and the 3 yr old will then most likely look into the mirror and say that he cannot wait to show his friends at school.
- If you are driving around in the car with your girlfriend for a relaxing trip to the farmer's market, it is highly likely that your 3 yr old boy will pick that very moment to ask you how is it possible to pee if you don't have a penis.
- If you work full time and raise 2 little boys, you do way less quilting than you hope and dream of doing, but you have way more fun than you ever thought possible.
OhMyGoshTired, but still in love with my life here,
ps. if you have yet to visit Red Felt Flower blog, please do so and enjoy the beauty.
pps. if you want some free goodies and you love photography, visit Chara Michele!