I used some freezer paper on top of the pieces and needle turned under the edges. What a fun block this was to create. Final size is around 4.5 inches.
This is of course the taupe flavor, I have an 1850's reproduction flavor in progress. The taupe flavor is a "practice" keeper block - I'll end up making a quilt for myself of these. The repro's are for my sister's quilt.
I was reading Camera Arts magazine, and I found this really interesting photographer. Charlotte Grace captures all her images directly by laying them down on her flatbed scanner - no camera involved.
Images themselves have a very special look to them. Interesting. Maybe I'll play around with this technique a bit. The floral images are STUNNING! Her link is going on my sidebar right now.
Those scans are amazing... really, really unique. My mother uses the same approach to *photograph* her jewelry (wish she had a blog.) It makes for very clear images of her work, but the artistic effects Charlotte Grace achieves are quite exceptional. I'm so glad you shared this link.
And, as usual, your lateset project is beautiful. I am in awe of the care and patience you must have to make such pretty and tiny blocks. I look forward to seeing more.
Very nice quilt !You have so much talent!
Wow Marisa!!! You do such an amazing job of your applique pieces. Your sisters quilt is going to look fantastic.
I actually cut into my taupes! I even pieced a mini tumbler quilt top! :o)
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