The bliss comes in my annual "moment" with my sister. In general, we're pretty close, and we talk a lot even though we don't live in the same city.
Our birthdays happen to be only 1 day apart, so every year, on the stroke of midnight...my birthday ends, and her birthday begins at the same time.
Somehow, one of us always remembers to call the other one if we aren't together so we can be united for "the moment" of our shared birthdays.
Some years one of us (usually her) is sleeping and gets woken up to a birthday song...but at this point it's more or less expected to happen, so it's part of the fun. It's true love in the world's most annoying sense.
This year she called me first, which was cute.
The rest of the weekend was characterized by some amazing quilt-y gifts - more on that later, a trip to the San Diego Quilt Show, more on that later too, and a rather nasty tummy bug that our almost-2-yr-old picked up (think a bit of dispair, tears and lots of carpet cleaner).
One quick link to a quilt group I learned of at this show - the American Quilt Study Group - pretty interesting....maybe I'll have to look into this one a bit more. The photo above is from one of their quilts.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday :)...the colors on that quilt are great, really nice. Makes me ready for some fall weather!
gotta lover the gifts kids come up with for b'days1 the stomache flu!! hope its not shared and you simply get to "mother" :-)
Happy Belated Birthday!! That quilt looks beautiful, can't wait to hear about your trip to San Diego!
What a cute birthday story! Happy birthday to both of you!
Such a pretty quilt... the flowers are so perfect! I admire your patience and skill. ^^
Happy Birthday!
Are you twins?
My grandfather, father, and youngest uncle were all born on May 26.
Happy Birthday, Marisa! My girls have adjacent birthdays ~ I'll have to suggest this to them when they are older!
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