So...I took some lessons, and classes, and as a quilter that is terrified of knitting, very timidly started this Chevron Scarf from her book.
I'm using red and green Koigu yarn, and these are as pretty as any yarn I've ever seen.
Unclear if I will ever finish this, even though finishing by next winter would be a stretch goal for me. It seems that many others coming before me have actually finished one of these - wow, some cool inspiration here - Chevron Scarf flickr group
I got my poor friend Sharon to make one too, because I'm too scared to make one alone. Thanks for the knitted moral support, my dear.
And if you don't have the energy to start one yourself, and are looking to somehow occupy your time, I would recommend this URL: Paper Throw - beware, addictive!
good luck with your knitting! i think you'll find it a great tv hobby - the chevron scarf is a fun project (although a little time consuming...) i love the colors you chose!
That scarf is a lot of work with the thin yarn. Good luck! I may make one some day. :-) The results are stunning.
oh dear! I thought: I have no time to knit! But I just wasted 10 minutes round filing cyber paper...lol
Oh yes, and your knitting is lovely! Sorry, I meant to say that, but was distracted by my 3yo who is begging for a turn to toss cyber paper.
Your scarf is beautiful! And the throwpaper site is hilarious. I thought it would be some kind of scrapbook site.
Oh yay! And how funny, I just started a Chevron scarf about a month ago. I got about 1.5 feet in, and it's fun! The best part is the colors and how the two yarns interact... Mine is turning out kind of pink colored, so I'm already planning on making another one!
Oh my god that game is addicting. What's your best?
Aaaand I'm assuming you'll have that scarf ready to give to me by tomorrow when you come up to Berkeley, right? :]
Wow, this is totally gorgeous! The colors and that pattern are just breathtakingly beautiful. You're doing wonderfully - don't give up! ^^
cool! I'm working on this now too. Even though it's a lot of repetitive knitting, I haven't gotten tired of it because the color pattern keeps changing.
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