Ok, so calling all cat-knowing folks: I have a problem.
My AMAZING veggie box (complete w/ herbs, tomato plants, squashes...etc) gets pooped in on a very regular basis by one very naughty and very orange fluffy cat.
Any ideas of how to get it to stop using my veggie box as it's litter box? Please don't tell me to get a dog...I'm sure it would work, but I'm allergic!
I am also obsessed with some online shopping items, that I just may have to order due to 'not being able to live without them'.
1) This top from anthropologie - the purple one is the one I'm after. I'm wondering if you can fit a belly the size of my belly under there...hm...think so?
2) This CD from Colon Meloy - front man for The Decemberists - oh, what an awesome band. I need to get this music!
3) This book: Friday Night Knitting Club - I need something light to kick off the summer reading .
4) This bike: (bad interface for this site, check out the "Classic 3") Ok, like I can ride a bike in my current state, I know, I can hardly waddle to the bathroom every 20 min....but Oh, I would love to ride this down to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings. It's begging for a Longaberger basket. PS, I'm probably the worst or least-talented bike rider you've met. Perhaps I could reconsider and get a trike. Harder to fall off of, right?
Cat solution: a well-timed squirt from a water gun until the cat learns it will get soaked each time it comes to visit your vegetable plot?
I bought some chicken wire, cut it into 12 x 12 inch pieces, thereabouts, and laid them around the plants. My kitty doesn't like to feel the chicken wire on her feet so leaves the dirt there alone.
No advice on the cat problem but I highly recommend The Friday Night Knitting Club - great summer read.
Well poo is good fertilizer, no? Is there anything in there with a strong scent, like onions? Maybe something with a strong smell would chase Mr. Pooper away.
I understand marigolds keep cats away... also mothballs (though I don't know what they'd do for herbs)... A "fence" or covering (like a terrarium) might work...
I had the same problem with a neighbor's cat in my flower bed. She gave me carob bark bits - non-toxic, and the cat hated the smell. Worked great!
I wish I could help you with the cat problem. You should be careful of cats when you are pregnant because of a parasite they carry that could effect you. I loved the squirtgun suggestion. My son would love to help you with that! ;)
The quilt is so pretty!
I had this problem before. Solution? Cats won't poop where they eat, so start putting a dish of tasty cat food there. And if it is your cat, don't put food anywhere else. It worked for me! After the cat associates it with food it won't poop there again and you can start feeding in the "old" place again. Hope this helps.
we have been most successful with the moth balls. All the garden critters hate the smell and immediately do a double-take away from it. I'm not sure about the proximity to edible plants though. Marigolds work well too. Check out the parasite factor. A friend of ours was recently warned about the serious effects to the fetus. Good luck.
Ok, I am also in lurve with that bike. I need it!
As for the cat-b-gone, i'm looking for some too because I think I have a cat pooping somewhere. My problem is that my dog likes to eat the poop!
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