I woke up this morning to our 2 yr old bouncing into my bed saying, "Get up Mommy! Open cards and presents! We bought you a new camera!"
I thought, wow, maybe they got me that Diana plastic camera I've been eyeing!
Well, they did, however...there was also a new very fancy DSLR in store for me as well.
Wow is all I can say. I guess I need to step up the blog photography to the next level!
Hope all you mom's out there got to have a very nice and relaxing day.
I'm thankful for my own mom (my quilting mentor) and all the love she constantly showers on not only me, but my husband and son as well.
Happy Mother's Day to you, too! You got awesome gifts!
Happy Mother's Day!!! Sounds like yours was all it is supposed to be!
Your gift of love and talent to your family is touching and inspiring.... thanks for sharing both!
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