Saturday, May 24, 2008

Japanese Quilt for kids

It's a holiday weekend here in the US, so we have Monday off as well.

I'm taking advantage of it by finishing up this Japanese kid's quilt that I started for my son a couple of weeks ago.

All the fabrics are Japanese imports, mostly bought at Purl.

I cut very wide pieces of all the fabrics I love, and made a reversable quilt with an animal theme on the front side and a car theme on the back.

By quilting lines across it, I made sure it would come together fast, and hold up to washings.

It will be packed off to school and enjoyed for many many naps. I think life is a little extra good when you still get to have a regular nap every day.

Recently, I started to read and really enjoy Ravenhill blog. Emily writes this blog from Norway, and has some seriously inspirational crafty work going on here. There is a recent post there that talks about Liberty fabric, as well as a couple pictures of Japanese taupe fabric.

Her list of blogs she's reading is also very impressive, you may want to check out some of the links.


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I would love to see more of your quilt. The link you shared is wonderful... her blog is engaging and what a illustrious looking list of links she has. No doubt there are many great blogs in there as well.

Tonje said...

Your son's quilt looks really nice. I'm sure he'll get a lot of use out of it!

Anonymous said...

Your quilt sounds beautiful :o) Can't wait to see it. I really like Emily's blog as well!! Take care & have a good Monday off! xox

Beertje Zonn said...

The quilt is Lovely!
I love Japans fabrics
Kind regards,

Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
from the Netherlands

Kates said...


Anonymous said...

Your quilt is so beautiful! It really made my day to read the kind words you had to say about my blog. I am so enjoying yours - have now seen all of your archives and visited all the blogs on your recommended list! What delight!