The pieces above are going to be used in the girl baby quilt, the one for my sister's baby.
They all have 'warm' colors, like pinks, reds, oranges, and a few greens in there just to spice things up.
My son will get a very similar quilt, but with 'cool' colors - purples, blues, blacks...
Little sis and I are taking some time out to work on them during the day tomorrow, cannot wait!
These crib pictures are to die for. My quilt would not go with any of these decor themes, but gosh they are pretty. I'm a huge sucker for round cribs.
Our crib is a square one, though, and still has a naughty occupant that is not keen to move out anytime soon!
The fabrics for your new project look so lovely! How nice that you will be working on it together with your sister. What a great link to the bedding- so pretty!
Happy sewing weekend!
What a bright color choice! they remind me of "Baby Einstein" series (stimulation for baby's ability and such).
I love that site for baby cribs. The round one looks like a huge basket... very cute sense, otaku-chan!
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