Saturday, September 20, 2008

The place where it all happens

Is there one single spot in your house where all the excitement seems to happen?

In our family it is without a doubt our booth.

When we got it we were thinking it would be handy for breakfast, but it has become the hang out spot for dinner, reading, naps (if you can believe that!), and even small quilt group sessions.

I started a small doll quilt wall behind the booth, and still trying to make more quilts to go up. I just remembered a tiny 1850's basket quilt that I picked up ages ago at an antique shop, and it has the perfect colors to join the rest of the grouping.

Tonight I took some 30's feedsack fabric and started a pillow cover for a small throw pillow that will go in the corner.

What part of your house do you end up living in the most?


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

haha... seems like it's sitting at this computer! Your booth and doll quilts look very inviting... beautiful colors and light.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such loveliness on the wall! I hope you will show more of the wall as it fills up! I seem to spend much time at the computer too. The kitchen is definitely where the family is most of the time. We are always feeding the hungry chicks!

Louise said...

Well that looks familiar! I love the idea of a little quilt wall and what a cosy little place to sit.

Kates said...

Wherever I drag my laptop to. :P

Tell Jamie to email me with pictures!!

Hahaha, it was great meeting Dax this weekend (and of course seeing you, the hubbie, and my favorite big boy Addy).

Love! :)