Well, I'm not talented enough for knitting or quilting, since I need some balance for the baby. Instead I've been catching up on all the magazines that I usually don't really have time to get through.
Ready Made is of course my new favorite.
In the current issue they mention this very cool make your own t-shirt shop in LA called Fresh Pressed. I'd like to stop in there sometime on a future visit. I think even kids would enjoy making their own T's.
KioskKiosk is also featured this month. They are having a Hong Kong theme, so all items are from there, and even have a sale going on right now. They pick up every day items that are cool and useful and offer them on their site. Everything from kite string to a welding mask (who doesn't need one of these?).
Oh, and above is a photo of the birthday crown on my husband's adorable head. He's so sweet to like my funky projects! I think he makes a darn cute model too.
Are you making a crown for my mom with 50 stars tomorrow? Haha :)
I have the urge to shout...
What a sweet birthday crown and a lovely tradition to start.
I seem to recall surfing a lot. Don't tell my daughter but her room was still the computer room for most of her infanthood!
Was it really necessary to call out the number of stars Kates??
This was the cutest project and seeing father and son wearing their respective crowns. Priceless.
I too surfed a lot - and caught up on email. I got really good at typing one handed. I just found you blog today - it is lovely. Congratulations on the new baby!
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