Please see the flickr slide show that I put together for you.
I took a couple of pictures each of some of the quilts I was really in love with, so I need to warn you that there are just over 250 pictures in the show, so watch it while you quilt or something.
The quilt that my sister and I made for my mom with the taupe houses was hanging in all of its glory on the wall (above), in a very good spot actually.
It didn't win a ribbon, which didn't surprise me at all. I was surprised however at some of the awesome quilts that were there and didn't have ribbons, so I was in excellent company.
Most of the vendors that were there had nice things. Some of my favorites included:
Attic Heirlooms: They had tons of beautiful wools, and accessories. I was hugely sucked in by the amazing ladies that worked at the booth - so friendly! as well as their beautiful goods. All the way from Portland, Maine.
Bird Brain Designs: These girls had antique spools for sale at reasonable prices, as well as the usual yummy wools. Why am I so into wool? I think I'm addicted. I cannot stop. This shop was very bad for me! So pretty.
Pinwheels: Duh, taupe fabric central. I didn't visit their booth yet, since time was limited, but I'll be heading back tomorrow and checking them out in person. Cannot wait!! My buddy Holly who I ran into said it was awesome, of course.
Your flickr show is amazing - thanks for putting it up. The quality of the quilts is mindblowing! Love the little boy in the photos too! So cute!
Thanks for showing. There was so beautiful quilts and I am so inspired now.
Hi, I was there yesterday, because my quilt is displayed, too. Your quilt is beautiful!
I will be there today also:-)
Thanks for the slide show! There are some really amazing quilts there. I'm jealous that you get to see them in person!
Your quilt is wonderful. Thanks for sharing the slide show. The shop links are great too.
I am thoroughly enjoying the slideshow (and secretly looking for my own quilt). Thanks.
Thankyou for sharing all those quilt photos with us, Marisa. They were incredible! I was really pleased to see so many applique quilts.
thank you so much for sharing the pictures of the quilts at the show.
I loved looking at them
I am a HUGE fan of red and green applique quilts did you take any pictures of Cindy's booth?
would love to see them!
I have bought a few quilt blocks from her.
I saw your quilt hanging there -- it looked great! What a fabulous show it was, too. There were some really wonderful quilts. I like how they alternated rows of vendors with rows of quilts, which made it really easy to see the show.
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