I would not say no to a fat quarter of each and every print Liberty of London has ever made in their entire long existence as a company. Their florals literally bowl me over. True Up blog recently did a nice post on how and where to get these fabrics.
Perhaps I have finally decided what to do with these fabrics, but then again, making a quilt with them would involve cutting them up.
If you were to make a quilt with Liberty of London fabrics, what pattern would you use?
Oh and for a visual treat, check out my beautiful sister's Catherine Wheel scarf - it's amazing! I am thinking of starting another one, really fun pattern to make.
More on the fiber/spinning convention next post - lots to say on that one.
Gorgeous fabrics. I'm not sure I could cut them up... unless I was making something for my sister. ;)
Who says you need a pattern? If these are great fabrics, maybe a whole cloth quilt is the way to go.
I love liberty fabrics, too. I made a little dear Jane quilt as a baby quilt for my son. You can see it here :
The quilt has 49 blocks and I used 51 different liberty fabrics, (even the white).
I'm sure you will make a wonderful quilt with your liberty fabrics.
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