I have not decided how I will quilt this little baby yet, but I am trying to do it justice. Colors are very vivid and there is lots of empty space in the alternate blocks for some cool quilting patterns (my fav!). I'll continue to brainstorm on quilting designs for a bit longer.
So what are your favorite hang outs these days for eye candy? I could always use some cool new inspiration.
These days I'm loving:
- Amy Merrick: flower arrangement and photos of her creations - elegant. Blog photos: not so shabby either.
- Simple Pleasures: Quilted baskets here - check them out, adorable. How did she manage to get the new Yoko Saito book (in ENGLISH!!) before me. I'm green with envy! Perhaps not for long....
It looks like Kathie of Inspired by Antique Quilts got her hands on a copy already too! Sheesh! I'm the last one on the block to get mine. - Muji: sets of wooden blocks for kids to build and play with in shapes of New York, London, and Tokyo! If I bought these, I am not sure I would be able to hand them over to my kids.
- Minick and Simpson blog: recent post regarding hand quilting, feathers, and stencils - worth a look!
That should keep you off the streets for a while! Now how about what you're reading?
Love the quilt top. Will I get to see it in person??
That is so nice- a finished quilt. Makes me want to work a little more on the two that I am trying to finish.
Your color sense is stunning!
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