I had an appointment w/ my OB this afternoon, and she was looking at the ultrasound and found that we will be having twins!
She really wants us to come back in another 2 weeks to verify that it isn't actually triplets.
Oh, and my friend forward me this link to a USB-based pregnancy test that plugs directly into your computer. Is this too geeky or what? Ah, and I used to think she was so "cool" - just kidding Sharon.
Ok seriously, I'M NOT HAVING TWINS, it's just April Fools' day (this lovely thing we celebrate here in the US).
Have you been fooled today? (probably not by little old me!) Tee hee....
You did fool me!! Uugh, I am a sucker. But thank goodness for you, can you imagine?!
yeah, i totally fell for it. i was quite excited for you... ;)
Another sucker here!! lol
Does it count if it's April 2nd?!
That was a good one.
you are too funny! :) that was a pretty good one :)
LOL! You had me going there!
Congratulations on the little one! I'm behind on my blog reading, and really thought you were having twins!
you know the usb pregnancy test was an april fool's joke, too? thinkgeek always does that on April Fool.
Congratulations! Your blog is cute! -Kelvin
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