Looks like the waiting game continues here for me, and our little could-come-anytime-soon bundle of joy, with this being basically the -10 day mark.
Our first son was a whole week late, so I'm not expecting any amazing early arrivals, although in this heat, I certainly would not mind a slightly early or on time delivery!
Please think a happy 'be born soon' thought for both me and my sister's little ones, if you have a spare moment.
I have fallen head over heels in love with Nani Iro's fabric designs and plan on using the pink fabric shown above on the baby quilt for my sister's little girl, as border.
I'm not the only one with Nani Iro on the brain...check out Moving Hands for more pictures/ideas. Mari used the pattern book to whip some dresses together that have also been on my mind for a while. I'm still too chicken to make garments, but these creations are pushing me to the brink of trying my hand at it.
Love the bottom print... Does it "go" with taupes?
Wishing you a healthy delivery.
(We interviewed the last pediatics offic on our list last night. So glad to have the "chore" completed.)
Oh so soon! I'll definitely be thinking "be born soon" thoughts for both of the babies!
Gorgeous fabric! It will look lovely in a baby quilt.
Wishing you a safe and short delivery.
Good luck on your upcoming delivery. I am hoping that it will be soon!
I am catching up on your blog right now. It has been too long since I have had a chance to read. I hope you are comfortable while you await the arrival of your second son! These fabrics look so beautiful! I want some too! Thank you for sharing!
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