I'm sure some of you can guess it!
Our little almost 6 month old got his first cold and is really suffering, so think a happy though for his quick recovery...poor little dear.
If you have not seen this video/song by Oren Lavie on you tube, please look at it - you WILL smile. I beg you to view it. Just beautiful.
I cannot resist giving you guys some info that I gathered while at Stitches West. Even though I'm not really a knitter, I learned of some cool shops out there:
Asciano Fiber Art Tools: This booth was scary amazing beautiful tempting. They specialize in hand crafted (read works of art) tools such as knitting needles, crochet hooks, drop spindles. All to DIE for. So, if you need a gift for that knitter/crocheter in your life, or if you're married to Ms. Quilt Otaku and you have no idea what to get her for her next birthday...this shop is a must check out.
Toots Le Blanc & Co.: If Yoko Saito could knit, she would love this shop. All natural colors, muted, taupes, awesome yarns. Really beautiful and classy.
Sheila & Michael Ernst: These guys make BEAUTIFUL glass knitting needles. So artistic that you won't drop any stitches because you'll be busy looking at your needles with admiration.
Carolina Homespun: Not much that the booth didn't have, but I got some adorable little tiny crochet hooks from here - called "Hook/Point 'Wanda' "
Serendipity Spinners: A local spinning guild in San Jose. I have no idea how to spin yarn, but they seemed eager to teach anybody interested to know, and meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month 10am to 4pm in the San Jose History Park, 1650 Senter Rd. under the big oak tree. Sounds like fun.
looks like a binding to me!
yup binding...
aahhh knitting stores I love visiting them the walls and walls of color, very inspirational
binding - for your neices quilt.
BTW I am so in love with my new taupes - trees & bees...
Yeah, looks like binding, and probably bias binding because the seams look diagonal rather than perpendicular to the binding.
DITTO binding! Lots and lots just like it in my drawer!
it looks like a really good photo of fabric.
me = not an educated quilter, sewer, or anything having to do with materials really.
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