You are well aware that I would not miss a single issue of Quilts Japan or Patchwork Quilt Tsushin.
Since there are only 6 issues a year of each of these, it's easy enough to keep up, and I'm really glad that I don't have to collect any other magazines.
That was until I bumped into Quiltmania.
This magazine is so beautiful. It's discusses all the cool Japanese quilt designers and is in ENGLISH! Yes, sports fan, this is basically a Japanese quilt magazine that can be read by mere mortals like you and me.
Lucy, of Quilting with the Past Blog, is a recent contributor to the magazine. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting her blog please go see her beautiful quilts.
Thanks for turning me on to the magazine Marianne.
If you want to subscribe, you can call around to your local book store and pick up a copy. Inside the copy you can sign up for $56. I think that's the best deal I've found so far, it looks a lot more expensive to get a subscription from Amazon.
aaahhh beautiful pile of fabric there and the quilt peaking out underneath....oooohhhhhh I want to see it all
Kathie in nj
Actually, Quiltmania is a French magazine, that is now translated in English. We have it here for 11 or 12 years, very classical/japanese style indeed.
Oh Marisa, isn't Quiltmania a wonderful magazine! I have some good news to share, they just asked to publish another one of my quilts. It's actually in the special Children's edition so it's only in French which makes it sound so fancy. :)
Missing our little Japanese sewing group, hopefully someday we'll be able to sew again.
I love, love, love Quiltmania! I wait with baited breath to pick it up in OKC. I don't share it with anyone and I keep every issue on a special shelf in my sewing room.
Love that pile of fabric!
Quilts Japan and Quiltmania are definitely my choice of magazines. I have just purchased my first copy of Patchwork Quilt Tushin. I would be interested in your opinion of it compared to Quilts Japan. If you had to get only one which one would it be?
I cannot believe that I have never seen or heard of any of these magazines. Sometimes I think I spend more time shopping for supplies then I do actually making things! Thanks so much for bringing them to our attention.
I love Quiltmania but we can't get it in Australia, I have to wait and order it online. It's my favourite magazine of all time. Yes, show us your quilt peeking underneath.
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