I spent some time with my monthly weekend quilting friends last weekend and progress was certainly made.
Recently I have been trying to look for Japanese quilting blogs out there.
I know there have to be tons (zillions?) of Japanese quilters who work in taupe fabrics, love Yoko Saito, love Chuck Nohara, love Suziko Koseki.
Where oh where do I find links to these sorts of blogs?
I even resorted to translating "Taupe Quilts" into Japanese, copying that into search engines...I must be doing something wrong here. Oh, bother.
Anyhow, my knitting/quilting club is about to come over tonight so off to feverishly scoop some toys up off the floor.
I think the blogging world has not yet hit Japan or at least Japanese quilters. If you can't find these quilters on line by their names, they may not have sites.
If my own quilt group is an example, only two three members own computers or (cell phones for that matter) Quilters tend to be a bit over-conservative and hand-quilters more so. Maybe they do such nice work because they are not distracted by blogging? I wonder...
Greetings from Beijing! I just found your great blog. I'm an ex-pat currently living in China, but I have lots of Japanese neighbors and I get to Japan every so often, so I'll keep my eyes and ears open.
Your quilting looks very nice! I have an old quilt top that needs hand quilting. Guess I should work on that one of these days. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :0)
Marisa, I really love your blog. I am very new to the blogging world and have been surprised that very few quilting blogs even mention Japanese Taupe fabrics. I have a passion for this color palette, have an extensive collection of these fabrics and have made several quilts using them.
I was happy to run across your blog. Keep posting your passion :-)
http://tttl1998.blogspot.com/ I've been following Tanya's blog for a couple of years at least. You should be able to link to more Japanese blogs from hers.
Lurking Linda
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