Ok, so calling all cat-knowing folks: I have a problem.
My AMAZING veggie box (complete w/ herbs, tomato plants, squashes...etc) gets pooped in on a very regular basis by one very naughty and very orange fluffy cat.
Any ideas of how to get it to stop using my veggie box as it's litter box? Please don't tell me to get a dog...I'm sure it would work, but I'm allergic!
I am also obsessed with some online shopping items, that I just may have to order due to 'not being able to live without them'.
1) This top from anthropologie - the purple one is the one I'm after. I'm wondering if you can fit a belly the size of my belly under there...hm...think so?
2) This CD from Colon Meloy - front man for The Decemberists - oh, what an awesome band. I need to get this music!
3) This book: Friday Night Knitting Club - I need something light to kick off the summer reading .
4) This bike: (bad interface for this site, check out the "Classic 3") Ok, like I can ride a bike in my current state, I know, I can hardly waddle to the bathroom every 20 min....but Oh, I would love to ride this down to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings. It's begging for a Longaberger basket. PS, I'm probably the worst or least-talented bike rider you've met. Perhaps I could reconsider and get a trike. Harder to fall off of, right?